OrcaCon Photography & Video Policy

By attending and/or participating in OrcaCon Games Convention, the participant grants to OrcaCon and its assigns, agents, and those acting with its permission  the right to use recordings, audio, video, images, photographs, and/or other likenesses of participant (collectively and individually, “Information“), and to incorporate such Information into any OrcaCon promotional, marketing, informational, or other materials, including in, but not limited to, photographs, video recordings, electronic media, Internet web sites, and social media web sites and platforms (“OrcaCon Materials“).

The participant acknowledges and agrees that the OrcaCon Parties may use, edit, reproduce, display, distribute, create derivative works of, and publish without restriction, in whole or in part, the Information and OrcaCon Materials, in any current and future media, for any purpose. The participant acknowledges that OrcaCon is not required to use the Information.

The participant waives all rights, claims, or interest, if any, that they now have or may later acquire with respect to any information incorporated into or otherwise related to the OrcaCon Materials, including any right to any compensation. The participant acknowledges no compensation will be offered or granted at any time before, during or after the use of the Information and OrcaCon Materials. The participant releases and agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless, OrcaCon, its officers, employees, assigns, agents, and those acting with its permission, from all liability for any claims related to the Information and OrcaCon Materials.